Turbine Terms And Conditions

Minimum Order: Orders must meet a minimum of 1 case

Federal Tax I.D.: A Federal Tax I.D. is required with all orders.

Prices: Prices in this catalog are wholesale prices.

Payment Terms: We offer the following payment options:

Open Account: Typically Net 30 days terms. Open accounts are available only to firms listed with D&B or upon verification of satisfactory bank and trade references. If requesting open account, please contact us for credit information required or a credit application. Please allow enough time for credit verification. Companies operating less than 5 years are not eligible for open account. Turbine retains a security interest in the goods until payment is made in full by the purchaser.

Credit Cards: Please provide type of card, account number, exact name of cardholder, expiration date, CVV code, and address verification information. For your and our protection, our credit card processor requires that we verify the address that billings are mailed to for this credit card. Please write the billing address for your credit card on your order form or have it available when calling in an order.

Back Orders: Will be handled on an individual basis.

Shipping Info: We offer the following shipping options:

• UPS GROUND – is in most cases the least expensive and effective way for our customers to receive merchandise.
• FREIGHT LINES – we also use a variety of freight lines when we know it to be less expensive.

Payments: Payments must be received in U.S. currency, in accordance with your established terms.

Late Payments: All past due accounts will be assessed a finance charge of 1 ½% per month on the past due balance. No orders will be taken from customers who are delinquent. When it is necessary, delinquent accounts will be turned over for collection.

Returned checks: Checks returned by the bank are subject to a $25 processing fee.

Claims: Claims for seller’s error, such as shortages, must be filed within 72 hours of merchandise receipt. PLEASE CONTACT TURBINE IMMEDIATELY WITH ANY ISSUE PERTAINING TO THE SAFE, COMPLETE DELIVERY OF ORDERS

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For a Retail Source to Turbine's Products Email Us At: info@turbinelg.com